Fitbit Charge 4 Review: Fitness Tracker

Fitbit Charge 4 Review: Fitness Tracker

Discover the latest in fitness tracking technology with our in-depth review of the Fitbit Charge 4. Find out how this sleek device can help you reach your health goals and stay motivated throughout your fitness journey.


Introduction (Source image: freepik)

The fitness tracker market is saturated with options, but Fitbit consistently remains a frontrunner. The Fitbit Charge 4, a sleek and versatile tracker, aims to uphold this reputation by offering a blend of health and fitness tracking features. From monitoring your heart rate and sleep patterns to tracking your workouts and providing GPS functionality, the Charge 4 promises a comprehensive user experience. In this review, we will delve into the various aspects of the Fitbit Charge 4, exploring its design, features, performance, and overall value to help you decide if it’s the right fitness companion for your needs.


Design (Source image: interiio)

The Fitbit Charge 4 boasts a familiar design, largely unchanged from its predecessor, the Charge 3. It sports a sleek and compact form factor, making it comfortable for all-day wear. The minimalist design features a grayscale OLED touchscreen display encased in an aluminum body. While the screen isn’t particularly large, it’s bright and clear enough to view fitness stats and notifications on the go.

The Charge 4 retains the inductive button on the side, offering a more seamless design compared to physical buttons. It vibrates for notifications and alarms, adding to its discreet nature. The band is interchangeable, allowing users to customize the look with a variety of options available from Fitbit and third-party retailers.

One notable design element is the inclusion of built-in GPS, a feature previously absent in the Charge 3. This addition makes the Charge 4 a more attractive option for outdoor enthusiasts who want to track their routes without carrying their phone.


Features (Source image: behance)

The Fitbit Charge 4 comes packed with a variety of features designed to enhance your fitness tracking and overall wellness experience. Here are some of its key functionalities:

Activity & Sleep Tracking

The Charge 4 goes beyond basic step counting. It provides comprehensive tracking for various activities like:

  • Steps taken: Monitor your daily step count and distance covered.
  • Calories burned: Track your estimated calorie expenditure throughout the day.
  • Heart rate monitoring: Continuously monitor your heart rate for insights into your fitness levels and sleep patterns.
  • Sleep stages: Gain a deeper understanding of your sleep quality by tracking your time spent in light, deep, and REM sleep.
  • Active Zone Minutes: Earn credit for activities that get your heart rate up, encouraging you to reach recommended activity levels.

Built-in GPS

A standout feature of the Charge 4 is its integrated GPS. This allows you to:

  • Track outdoor workouts accurately: Map your routes, monitor pace, and analyze distance without needing your phone.
  • Access real-time pace and distance data: Stay motivated and informed during your runs, walks, and bike rides.

Smart Features

The Charge 4 seamlessly integrates with your daily life, offering convenient functionalities:

  • Smartphone notifications: Receive calls, texts, and app alerts directly on your wrist, keeping you connected on the go.
  • Music control: Control your music playback from your wrist without needing to take out your phone.
  • Fitbit Pay: Make contactless payments with your tracker, providing a convenient alternative to carrying your wallet. (Availability may vary by region and bank.)


Performance (Source image: squarespace-cdn)

The Fitbit Charge 4 delivers solid performance for everyday tracking. Its processor handles daily tasks and navigation smoothly, with minimal lag.

Activity Tracking: The Charge 4 accurately tracks steps, distance, and calories burned throughout the day. Its heart-rate monitor performs well during workouts, providing consistent data for monitoring intensity.

GPS: The built-in GPS is a significant plus, allowing for accurate tracking of outdoor workouts without the need for a phone. It locks on to a signal relatively quickly, though it can be slightly slower in challenging environments.

Sleep Tracking: Sleep monitoring is comprehensive, offering insights into sleep stages (light, deep, REM) and duration. The Charge 4’s sleep data is generally in line with other trackers on the market.

Battery Life

Battery Life (Source image: simpaticosystems)

Fitbit claims the Charge 4 can last up to 7 days on a single charge, and up to 5 hours with GPS continuously on. In real-world usage, this largely depends on your activity levels and individual settings.

With moderate use, including daily activity tracking, sleep monitoring, and occasional GPS workouts, the Charge 4 can indeed reach close to the advertised 7-day battery life. However, if you frequently use GPS, particularly for long runs or hikes, expect the battery to drain much faster.

Factors that can impact battery life:

  • Frequency of GPS use
  • Screen brightness
  • Notifications received
  • Using the always-on display mode

Overall, the Charge 4’s battery life is commendable for a fitness tracker with its feature set. While heavy users might need to charge it every few days, most people can comfortably use it for the better part of a week without worrying about battery life.


The Fitbit Charge 4 proves to be a comprehensive fitness tracker with advanced features like GPS and heart rate monitoring. Its sleek design and long battery life make it a top choice for fitness enthusiasts seeking detailed activity data.

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